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M5450B7 LED Display Driver

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An LED display driver that can drive up to 34 segments at up to 15mA without external resistors. Constant current sources in the IC control the segment current, and this can be set by adjusting the current into pin 19. Data is clocked into pin 22 (when pin 23 is low) by sending a 1 as the first bit, then the 34 data bits and ensuring that there is at least one further clock pulse. This 36th clock pulse loads the 34 bits of serial data into the segment latches, each logical 1 turning on the appropriate segment. The 36th clock pulse also generates a reset signal which clears the register ready to receive a further set of data following the next 1 detected on pin 22. Segments are directly driven and not multiplexed. Common anode displays are required with the anodes connected to VDD. 
Supply voltage 5V (4.75V to 13.2V)
Supply current <7mA
Output sink current 15mA with 750╡A in pin 19
2.7mA with 100╡A in pin 19
Input clock frequency DC to 500kHz